Despite what Kerry and Michael Moore wish...democracy is marching on in the Middle-East!!
Afghanistan held their first ever elections Saturday...and it was a great success the whole country felt good about. Imagine what a joyful turn-around for that country, which has suffered so long from the hand of the Taliban.
Congratulations... Afghanistan !!!
Thank you President Bush for your steady, determined strategy against terrorism... allowing Afghanistan to rejoin the civilized world. Thats excellent leadership,... you were never swayed by polls or popular opinion, but rather focused like a laser on the mission and goal ! It was a smashing success!!!
Remember, Iraq votes Jan 5 ! WOW, another democracy...coming up !!!
President Bush has followed his plan...and yes, it is working !!!
Freedom trumps terrorism... every time.
One working plan of Bush in hand... is worth a thousands of Kerry's, in the bush.
Wake up...liberals. A huge change is taking place in the world. A change you leftists always said should happen...until President Bush did it.
The fact that you condemn it now...demonstrates clearly that it was meaningless to you, except as a sledge hammer of hypocrisy to beat up on others... less noble than you. Something like all the millions of boat people who had to flee, after communism took over in Vietnam. You didn't care about them either.
You go,... democracy !!
Also, Australia held their elections Saturday and re-elected Howard, who so strongly supported America in the war on terrorism and held firm against Kerry's sister's propoganda.
However, don't hold your breath,... expecting to hear much about any of this in the mass Media.
They only like to report the stuff that goes wrong !!! Bad news know.
Its the same, tired, old, sick,... "If it bleeds; it leads"... chant... of the liberal left media; all the way back to the 1960's.
And the mass media can't figure out why their viewers are declining!
DUH !!!